Christian   Eder
Computer Algebra
Symbolic Computation
Polynomial System Solving


New paper at Journal of Symbolic Computation

Recently our paper A Signature-based Algorithm for Computing the Nondegenerate Locus of a Polynomial System together with Pierre Lairez, Rafael Mohr, and Mohab Safey El Din has been accepted at Journal of Symbolic Computation.


msolve v0.4.8

We released a new version of msolve, v0.4.8. It includes various bug fixes and better multi-threading support.


Invited Plenary Talk

I'm invited to give a plenary talk at the Institut Henri Poincaré at the workshop Geometry of Polynomial System Solving, Optimization and Topology as part of the upcoming trimester T3-2023 Recent Trends in Computer Algebra.


msolve v0.4.7

We released a new version of msolve, v0.4.7. It includes various bug fixes, better parallel hashing and prepares several new features we plan for the near future.


AlgebraicSolving.jl v0.3.0

We released a new version of AlgebraicSolving.jl, v0.3.0. It comes with a new msolve version under the hood and adds a new function called rational_solutions() which allows to compute the rational solutions of a system of polynomial equations over the rational numbers in the zero dimensional case.